Have a water heater in Austin? Water heaters have come a long way in recent years, and often get more sophisticated with every decade. Current water heaters consume less energy and last longer, they’re safer, and some even produce hot water at a near constant rate. However, that doesn’t mean they’re foolproof. Water heaters—conventional or tankless—need to be regularly cleaned and maintained in order to function properly. More specifically, they require regular descaling—a water heater maintenance task that helps prevent costly repairs and breakdowns in the future.In this short blog, find out what descaling is, why it’s important, and how you should descale your water heater in Austin.
In plumbing parlance, “hard water” is city water with high amounts of mineral content—a frequent and natural occurrence in certain parts of the country, like Austin, TX. “Scale buildup” (otherwise known as ‘hard water deposit’) refers to the buildup of calcium and lime in a water heater, caused by hard water being heated inside. This causes the minerals to precipitate and harden onto the water heater’s surface, leading to a buildup that could lower the operating-efficiency of your water heater and even damage it over time.Descaling a water heater is an essential water heater maintenance task that prevents “scale buildup” both in your hot water tank and in your pipes, preventing plumbing problems and future plumbing disasters.
By removing the build-up of calcium or lime deposits in your tank or pipes, descaling improves the efficiency of your water heater, while slowing the future buildup of ‘hard water’ in your pipes. When done regularly, descaling can improve the lifespan of your heater, prevent clogged pipes and taps, and lessen the mineral deposits in your hot water.
While descaling a coffee maker is simple, descaling a water heater is not.Not only does it require the precise know-how to descale your water heater properly, but it also requires tools that you may not have on hand. For example, you’ll need both a descaling solution and a descaler that works with your unit. You’ll also need to access your water heater, main water supply, and natural gas lines, as well as the patience to do it right the first time.You’ll also need to know how to disassemble the unit, properly clean out any leftover cleaning solution, and then put the unit back together again properly. If you don’t, you could end up leaving harmful chemicals in your drinking water, or forget an essential step which could easily break or hinder the efficiency of your unit.For these reasons, it’s best to contact a professional plumber in Austin who can properly descale your water heater by performing a full water heater flush.
As we’ve mentioned, descaling a water heater is an essential part of water heater maintenance, especially in Austin, TX. However, it requires specific expertise and specialized tools to execute properly. That’s why we strongly encourage you to leave it to our professional Austin plumbers to flush your unit for you.Contact us to schedule your hot water heater repair in Austin or to learn more about professional water heater maintenance services!